The Rise: with Skrizz & Adam

Ye and The Rise

Skrizzly Adams & Adam Rosen Season 2 Episode 1

Skrizz and Adam have the Ye (Kanye West) tracker for a reason. They've been huge fans for decades and have looked up to him for a long time. It's no secret that Ye has been in the news as of late, and not in a good way. Give the episode a listen to hear why the crew thinks the next chapter of Ye, despite the controversy, could be his best one yet.


Talking music, building businesses, and the grid in the journey. We're Rizz and Adam and welcome to the Rise.


Here we are, uh, Rizz and Adam with the rise. Very excited to say that we are kicking off season two. This is episode one. Um, I'm really excited about this one. Me and Adam had a little powwow yesterday chatting and, uh, To make a long story short, I think, I think if you are a fan of the rise, thank you for being a fan in the first place. Listening, uh, the, you know, aside from entrepreneurial stuff and hustle and grind, one of the biggest common denominators of every episode we've ever, you know, had the privilege of recording was mentioning Kanye West, who was my favorite artist, and I, I believe was Adam's favorite artist. So that just kind of feels like the elephant in the room. Adam and I have been texting., unless you totally live under a rock, you've heard a, a new headline every 20 minutes with Kanye West. So we wanna talk about that today. And, uh, we don't wanna talk about it in the sense that there's a million discussions and debates going on. We wanna talk about that in relation to the rise, our kind of theme here. And I think that's gonna open up a lot of conversations we haven't had in the first.


Yeah, absolutely. And, and first it's good to, uh, good to see your face again. Cause I feel like it's, it's been a long time since we've been in the studio together. We were hoping to get back in the studio when, uh, during my travels and your travels, but, uh, we're again, in different parts of the world, but it's good to, uh, good to see your face again, so that, that's first and foremost. But, uh, yeah, I mean, look, we, we've had the, the Kanye Tracker. We've both been big fans of Kanye for or now Yay. For a long time. And, , what's that?


About two decades. Like he's, oh yeah, he's been doing this for a while.


He's had quite a rise. He has that quite a rise and, and obviously like you just said, Everybody's kind of beating the dead horse with Sure. What he said, and I think most people can agree that it's, it's not right what he said and, and what he continues to say, but that's not where we, where we wanna focus. Like you were saying, the whole point of this podcast from the start when we first met now a couple years ago when we first talked about doing a podcast together, the thing that was Bo, what was most inspiring to both of us was the rise and how we're both on our own version of the rise. But the truth is, everybody who's listening to this and even not listening to this, of course, is on their own journey, in their own version of the rise. And the rise is not a straight, uh, straight line up. No. There is highs and there's lows. And that's really what we want, what we wanna focus on today in, in regards to Kanye and what's been going on in the news.


Totally, totally. And I think that's, I think, I think it's so easy for people to see him say something that's, , there really is no debates, just inhumane and politically incorrect, and then see him double down and then triple down. It's like we're getting very caught up in the moment where it's like, I mean, I, I think when we first texted, I mean the first thing that came to mind or the phrase that came to mind for me was just like, I mean, here we are, you know, you and I are, you know, two of tens of millions, if not hundreds of people who idolized his two decade rise, which was acting longer than two decade rise to become what I considered the, you know, the. The greatest musical creative of all time. I believe he's more creative and potent than all the Beatles combined. And watching this like this incredible fall from Grace. And it's like you were saying, like the rise is not a straight line up and we don't know what's next for Kanye West, but we watched a stock reach, a record high, an absolutely plummet. And then for me it was like I watched him make these steps and be like, okay, well he can get himself outta this. doubles down deeper, deeper, deeper. So it's like, I think there's a much bigger picture to this as to what got him here. As opposed it's, it's more than just where he is now and also where is he going with this? And I think you and I had a little talk about that last night and it's like, that can go so many different ways.


Yeah. The, you know, some people would say it's rock bottom and maybe it's, hopefully it is. But you know, rock bottom, you could still find a way to get even lower than that. And we all., not just even from an artist standpoint and looking at the person as a, as a, as an artist, but as a human being, you hope that he can have his own version of the redemption. And we all love, you know, America is really, I don't think it's really even much of a question. It's the entertainment capital of the world, like we love. Movies. We love a great story. And what makes a great movie, what makes a great story is that the, the rise, you know, getting to that pinnacle then that drop hitting rock bottom, but then having the redemption to hopefully end back on the rise. And what we talked about yesterday, and what I'm hopeful of is for Kanye, and I don't know how old he is right now. I, I wish it's something you could do. Yeah. Let's just say, let's say he's 45. I don't know. Sure. It's not about right. I'm, I'm hoping. His chapter from 45 until 80 can be his best chapter. And I genuinely believe that it could be, because if he can turn this around, he can have such a bigger impact than he's even been able to have over the past two decades. So that's what I'm hopeful of. I don't wanna say I'm optimistic of it, but I am hopeful of it.


I think there's a couple things that kind of come to mind. First of all, it's like, who are the most potent speakers towards antia? people who were addicts, you know what I mean? It's like the fact that Kanye West can rally in the world of antisemitism, which sounds crazy that I'm even saying that, but that's like literally what's happening right now. He's like rallying in the world of antisemitism if he can cross that line. And, and, and just for the record, I dunno if we've mentioned this. Adam is Jewish and I am Jewish. So we are speaking as two early 30 Jewish, grew up loving Kanye West, which is actually a massive population of people. Um, I think your, I mean, I love your positive outlook on, it's like he's, the fact that he knows how to play with fire means he has the ability to do an Uno reverse card and have an o c of 10 X to shut everything down. I mean, also the, the total opposite of that could happen too. And he could dismiss his entire audience, his entire whatever, and just. The surprisingly large amount of people that agree with what he's saying, even though I truly believe he doesn't even agree with what he's saying. He's just saying shit at this point. Um, I mean, that's the three ways it goes for me. It goes, he reverses everything. I mean, that would be amazing. Steps away, reverses everything, becomes an advocate for all posi and, and on his, most of his interviews, like the Lex Friedman, he's preaching positive stuff, but he's saying, . Like one of the first things on the Lex Friedman things he talks about is we need to ignore all history. And if you know anything about like Israel or like any Jewish league, all they do talk about is we have to remember history. So him saying that is like an instant, um,




on, you know, it's like we need to know history so we can. From it. Um, totally got sidetracked what I was saying,


but you were saying his three, his three instances of what could happen. Yeah, so it's like he does a, a total reverse. He could do


a total reverse, he could go super down the rabbit hole and just become Hitler wannabe, which would be weird.. But the thing is he's cut off like JP Morgan, cut him off. Like who gets cut off by like a national bank? That's kind of weird. Like no one at entertainment represent him. Also, that thing I find surprising as like, I have friends who've worked with Kanye West. Um, he has a lot of Jewish employees. He has a lot of Jewish collaborators. I find that very odd. Like a, like his full-time engineer for his entire career was Jewish. Like that's the person who's in the room with him the most. I find that very odd. So, and. The, what was my third one? Was this, I mean, this is the one that came to mind first, I think when we were texting, was that he dies like this. He, he loses all his money, he loses all his resources, and he just dies. It's crazy, but a lot of people believe that one. Yeah. And there's


the, the, the one that I think is the best for everybody is obviously the first one and what one of my favorite stories and. Not, I don't remember the guy's name right now, so I apologize. But if anyone does the, a simple Google search, you'll find it was, uh, it's, it's, uh, a black man. I think he's in Indiana, so somewhere in the south, in a, in a heavy, um, it's somewhere. Yeah. I don't know why I said Indiana. I'm thinking of, I just con I just confused. Two different people there. Two different stories. Okay. It's all good. One is my guy David Goggins, who I think grew up in Indiana, uh, near the kkk. This is a different guy. Okay. Um, I'm forgetting his name right now. He grew up somewhere in the south, um, and there was, uh, uh, a large KKK presence. And what he did is he set up a meeting with the head of the kkk and they were in a hotel room together. It was just them two for an. and what happened, long story short, is this black man and this K K K leader became. because they just, over time, over time they became friends. And because the black man, and I'm pointing this out obviously cuz black man, kkk, they don't exactly go together just like Jewish people and KK k don't exactly go together well, but he did a great job of getting to understand the person that's behind the KK costume. And the more that they got to know each other, the more they realized, hey, we're not so different. We, we want the same things. We care about the same things. Long story short, that KKK leader left the KK and there was hundreds of other members of the KK K that left because of that one black man that said, I want to get to understand you and not just point the finger saying you're a bad person. And because of he went into it trying to understand and empathize with that other party who most people would look. Honestly, I would look at it and say, you're evil, you're bad. I don't want to know what you wanna say. K kk. Remember, I don't care about what you have to say, but this man, yeah, he was a bigger man than me. He let his ego to the side, he just said, I wanna understand and I wanna empathize with you. And because of that, he helped so many people leave that awful organization and become better people because of it. And that's where I see the hopeful side of. Totally where that's why for me, it's like I don't wanna call the guy an awful person, anti-Semitic, this or that, because I, I genuinely don't actually believe that. I don't think he's a terrible person. I don't think he's actually anti-Semitic. Do I think he's done bad things? Do I think he's done anti-Semitic things? Yes, of course. But I don't think that makes you an awful person. But I think the more that we just point our finger at him and say, you're an awful person. You know, I want to cancel you or, or shut you out. Totally. I think all that does, it forms more of a wall and forms more friction. Where instead, how can we just understand this guy better and help


point I. I mean, I wondered, I mean, this just came to mind. My thought is like, okay, Kanye, first of all, Kanye says an initial statement that's like kind of anti-Semitic. When I heard it, I was like, this really isn't anti-Semitic, whatever. Um, and then he doubles down, he triples down whatever on it, and we're like, okay, like what is he, what is he doing? And then at that point, what happened? Every agency, everyone who was remotely affiliated with him immediately just cut him off. And you're saying like,. And it's funny cuz like I'm gonna try to simplify this as much as possible. The core argument that started this entire thing, I totally agree with, actually. He said his one thing, and I don't know why he phrased it the way he did, he's like, can we take the top 10 contracts in sports? The top 10 contracts in music, top 10 contracts in film, and can we break them down and we can look and can we. who's getting fucked, who's not getting like, he just like, we're all slaves to whatever. And it just so happens at the top of a lot of these things are Jews, you know? Mm-hmm., I think he almost fell into it. I don't think he ever even intended for it to be this anti-Semitic thing at all. So it's like, and then it just kind of snowballed into this thing. It's like, I totally agree. Let's, let's create con contractual transparency amongst the entertainment business. That's brilliant. We can all learn from that. We can all create a much more incentivizing playing field. Cause we're all, we're all earning. According to our value. Um, I thought that that was, I thought that was great, but instead of anyone really having a conversation with him, I mean, I guess other than, and again, I saw the Lex Friedman Kae was stubborn as fuck, but like, yeah, everyone just kind of cut him off. I wonder where we'd be, you know, a month later now, or two months later. I don't remember how long it was. If we all didn't cut him off, maybe let things cool down instead and kind of revisit the conversation. Kanye is someone who thrives off of the media talking about him, so, I mean, I guess he just flew too close to the sun. I don't know.


Yeah. And when you're backs against a wall, you just, you, you put your arms up and you start fighting. And I, I think that's the, the worst pace would be. And, and I just, I looked at Darryl Davis, that's the gentleman I was talking about. So I, I recommend anyone check out Daryl Davis super inspiring story. So check out, check out the, the legend of Daryl Davis. But yeah, I think, I think that's with everything, like none of us are perfect. We've all done stuff to, to make mistakes and it's not about the mistake., of course there's some mistakes you don't come back from. Like there's some things that if you do it, it's like, I'm sorry, sorry's not gonna do it. Sorry's never going to, uh, you know, get you back on good footing, but, I don't think Kanye is there. I think he is in the spot where he can actually inspire so many more people and help create such positive change if he makes that decision to do it. But the problem is some of our, our biggest falls as HU Falls as humans, especially when you get to the level that Kanye West is at, is your ego is so damn big where it's so difficult to admit No, you're right. I was.. And it doesn't mean everything's, Kanye said was wrong. Maybe there were parts of it that were true and they were right. But the overall message, that's where you have to say, I was wrong. I've been wrong, and I need to, you know, rehabilitate in whatever that re rehabilitation takes to go into a complete different direction to make myself better and to make my family better and to make everyone around me better. But that's the toughest part, is the ego.


I, and I think we're watching that happen in real time with Kanye West. I. with the Lex Friedman interview, like his pa Lex's patience, L's ability to listen, understand and like. So again, so much of Kanye's narrative was like this, you know, loving narrative. He just would say things that were wrong, for lack of a better definition, and Lex would explain why he was wrong. And Kanye's ego would obviously inflame at that point in time and he'd be like, well, you know, whatever. And he would laugh or make a remark. Start rapping or whatever, you know what I mean? And it just wouldn't, they couldn't, you couldn't look in the mirror and say like, Hey, maybe I am crossing a line on this one little thing. Um, you know, my, my, my biggest concern and my biggest reluctancy, and I, and I really admire your, your hopefulness and your positivity, and I feel like I'm shifting in that direction too. Um, you know, If this were, you know, it says the rise, you know, you, you, you, uh, you buy low and you sell high. So it's a good time to buy Kanye stock, I guess. Amen. Amen. Well said, . Not really, but, um, the problem is like, it's who, who wants to talk to a person who's an egomaniac and who, who loves him enough to help him? And that's, that's kind of the hard part cuz I feel like Connie's probably lacked that for a long time., unfortunately. Yeah. And And


even the people that do want it. Cause I'm sure there are people that wanna help him. Yeah. And there probably are or were people that were giving him good advice, but does he wanna listen to that advice? Yeah, it's for all of us. I mean, look, there's people that give us good advice that we should take, but it's painful and get it be difficult to actually execute on that. Or there's people that give us bad advice. You know, it's like when you're in high school, there's the people that are saying, Hey, skip class and smoke weed with me all day. And then there's the people that are telling you, you know, hopefully your parents like. Go study, do work, um, you know, make yourself a better person and go, you know, whatever that might be. Like. There's always the good angel and the bad angel and you gotta choose which angel do you wanna follow. The good is usually not the easier path, but it's usually the path that's gonna give you the, the better results. Totally,


totally.. I'm gonna just put this outta the universe right now cause I'm feeling it. I might be totally wrong with this, uh, Kanye West, if you are hearing this, you do have two, uh, Jewish American entrepreneurs who are big fans of yours. And if you'd like to hop on the podcast and discuss, we believe in you we're buy and low and hoping to sell high. Um, let's keep the conversation going. We, uh, we believe in. Yeah.. Adam: I'm not, I love it. I love it. I think, I think there's no doubt. I think there's no doubt. I, I think he'd probably be upset that he called him Kanye. I think he's like, all right now he's like, I'm a God or something. I don't even know. It's always something new.


Yeah. So anyway, I, I think just Prince, I, I think for me, I'm not overly optimistic it's gonna happen, but I'm hopeful that it could happen and I, I just genuine, genuinely believe, like we talked about, I was having this conversation with my sister the other day. Oh yeah. I.. She, she's, um, she's kind of similar to, to what we're talking about right now. Um, but uh, the conversation I was having with her is what we're talking about right now, which is if he can choose the other side of this, how much better his next chapter can be and how much greater of an impact he can have, and how he really could be a beacon of hope. But this is the challenge of the


ego. This is the thing that's like hitting me right now. And it's like he has one massive blind.. I mean, it's a whole conceptual blind spot. He, if he can fix this blind spot, everything will be reversed. It's pretty simple. Okay. I'm thinking about he's, he's failing to realize the impact this is going to have on his children. This is a man who loves his children and he's failing to realize, I'm just say, Kanye listening. You're failing to see your children's point of view on this. I don't think this is an opinion thing. This is a fact. I think any children growing up in America at their age, To know their father was sought in. This kind of spotlight is a negative thing, period. There's no positive light to it. And then also it's like, again, like the, I don't believe Kanye's anti-Semitic, I don't believe, I don't believe any of that nonsense, but I do believe when he opens his mouth and says this shit people, people who deeply feel that way, which is unfortunately in the millions, suddenly feel valid. I know weeks after that I went on the like, like I follow like history meme pages and like they're talking about, you know, world War II and the comments are riddled with. Hitler's the goat, like stuff like that. Like, like, like overt, let's like it, that that wasn't a thing a month ago. It's like a thing by the thousands now. So Kanye's failing to realize the impact he's having on others, and I really think that is the fundamental problem. Um, he's not Joe Schmoe in Indiana behind a message board Indiana again, so it's like he's failing to realize it was impact on his kids. He's failing to realize the impact he's having on people who he doesn't align with. He might pretend he aligns with, he really doesn't. Dude, come down to, I got a show in Dallas next week. Come with me, Kanye. We'll, we'll, we'll see how it really is, you know? Um, yeah. Said that totally wrong. Dallas is not anti-Semitic at all.


I'm just, no. Yeah. I don't, I don't think we love Dallas . We love Dallas. Well, yeah, I, that's what I'm overly, I'm, I'm excited about what could come from it. And I, I, I just feel like with anybody, look, if you point the finger, you tell them they're bad. They're gonna be bad if you tell them that if you, but if you listen, if you're open, um, like I thought the Lex Friedman interview was a really good interview of like, there's a really beautiful conversation, I think in a lot of ways of just like listening and understanding and. Disagreeing, but in a respectful way for the most part. But I just, I don't think anything gets accomplished by pointing at someone and saying, you're a bad person. And I think because he does have so, so many people that really do look up to him and aspire to be like him. If he were to cha choose what I think is the good angel here, he could have such an amazing impact and really could have such an amazing, uh, next chapter of his life that could be better than any previous chapter and more impactful than any previous chapter that.


Yeah, I totally agree. I think now, yeah, sorry, was that


Yeah. What, what, unless you have, I, I kind of want to change the tune a little bit here. Was there anything.. Yeah. I feel like we, we've, we've kind of we're on the same page with that. Yeah. But what I think is interesting about it though is the high and the low and the, hopefully the rise again. Yeah. So the rise fall in the redemption. Exactly. And the redemption. Using, using, uh, our voice season. One of the


rise in the rise season two is the fall, season three, you'll be the


redemption. I like that. I like that a lot. There you go. The RA podcast arc. I hope. And by the way, before I get into that too, we did not plan this, but I feel like we might be wearing, oh my God, the exact same shirt right now.


Well, we're gonna do another one this month. Let's definitely like keep it seasonal.


Like it rather move. I like it. Um, but anyway, what, what I wanna talk about with you is like, what is a, what is, have you had a, like a rock bottom feeling? Is there a, have you done anything where you're like, Yeah. But something that was like you, like really crushed your ego where you're like, I messed up.


No, not that I messed up, but it felt helpless., maybe my ego's still too big. I don't think I ever


messed up . Yeah, I think you, you, I think you messed up once or twice. There's gotta be something


trying to like, I messed up and rocked bottom.




have to be not a good pr. Like I can't get, nothing comes to mind.


All right. I got, I got one, then I got, I got a pretty good one. So I, this was in my, my tech startup days. I was, it was probably 2016 early in my tech startup. Right. Okay. We were launching our, our new tech, so we were working hard to get people to sign up for it. Okay. And we had a platform of student clubs at colleges. Yeah. And then we would sell 'em to employers. It was a, a marketplace, right? Yes. Yeah. So I would get student, I was reaching out to student clubs to get them to. Of course. So I had a big mass outreach blast that I was doing, and on this list was a bunch of students from b BYU and a couple of other universities. B byu. B byu, Brigham Young University. It's a Mormon university. Okay. So I wrote this email. I was like, I'm gonna get a little creative here. So in the subject line, I put sign the F up with a bunch of asterisks and then in the body of the email. Yeah. Which I thought was funny. And then I was like, Hey, I'm kidding. Kidding. Here's what we.. I was all excited about it. Like, this is gonna be a great email. It's gonna hit, I press send. Yeah, I press send and, and then I went from Boston where I was working to visit my mother for the weekends. I drove to New York. Yeah. And on the drive home, I pull over to the gas station, I start checking my emails and I was bombarded with emails about just how bad it was, how off brand it was. How such a, you know, I'm the worst person. The list goes on. You


got responses. I figured they would just not.


Oh yeah, I got maybe more response than I ever got through an email and it was 95% of them were just calling me the worst person ever. So anyway, I felt like, I felt like shit, I felt sick going back home, whatever. So


that's a mistake though, like that's that's an honest mistake. That's definitely not, you took an ambitious risk and it failed. That's


business. I wouldn't say of course it's business, but you know, you know, you're young in your career and like you're, you know, you're trying to build a brand with co. Like, you need these college students to, to love what you're doing and believe in you. Okay. Yeah. But anyway, next morning I sent an email apologizing to that same group, and long story short, they were, I got the best response. They're like, oh, that was great. That's awesome. Now I, you know, now I'm really into your company and I'm gonna sign up and blah, blah, blah. So anyway, it was like a really good, on a teeny tiny scale, how if you do mess up, which it was a mistake. I should have been smarter about it, especially knowing who I was reaching.. But by having a genuine apology, those same people that wanted to throw rocks at me were like, Hey, you know what? I forgive you. It's all good. Don't worry about it. And that's kind of where I get with the Kanye stuff. It's like, obviously it's on a million times larger scale, but look, if he's genuine, if he apologizes, if he gets a, if he has a chance to ride the ship, and it won't be that


difficult to ride.. Yeah. I mean, I can't, nothing's coming to mind right now, but I am experiencing like a day job type of situation where it's like I'm in a text conversation or an email conversation. I'm like, I can be an asshole and defend myself and this is only gonna get escalated more. Or I can just be like, I apologize. I should have, I think there's like a couple of those recently for me on a much smaller scale. I was just like, I was like, I apologize, it's not a problem. Um, what can we do just to fix this, resolve this problem. You know what I mean? And it's like then everyone's so friendly all of a sudden. You know what I.


Yeah, it's, uh, humility is easier to just resolve the. way easier. But humility and ego are, are tough. And it's a, for me, it's a battle every single day. Uh, but especially when you, I can't even imagine being at, at, at Kanye scale that dude has done everything he could ever dream of. And Enso, he's got access to anything he could ever want. He's got the whole world talking about him. So I can only imagine how difficult it is for him to drop his ego. But again, like I'm, I'm optimistic, where if he can change his tune there, there could be such a big, a bigger and brighter future, uh, than, than where he is at right now. And where's., Skrizz: if I were to if your scenario plays out where you buy a rock bottom, we sell at the top. He flips the script, he goes out, rallies in God's name for all humanity. I think he's done things like this in the past on a much smaller scale. Um, he's not gonna like, apologize. He's not gonna, he's., he's gonna change his narrative. He's gonna completely change his narrative and say, that was the plan the whole time. He's gonna do something like that. He's gonna get backlash for, this is my prediction again. I can be totally fucking wrong. I feel like he's going, does that make sense? He's going to change the narrative. Something about without apologizing, but he's going to, yeah, he's gonna do the right thing without apologizing. That's without admitting anything physically., Skrizz: that feels like And because he has, I mean, again, no, no, no. Recording artist has a cultural impact. Like Kanye was none, period. None. No one comes close. Mm-hmm.. Um, also his ability to earn, he, when he takes a creative idea and earn a., you know, whatever. No one's, no one has that. Um, so he is a big asset. If he were to change his narrative, he is a big asset and I would like to believe people would take him back. Um, looking back at the timeline, it, it was Ari, what's his name? Ari Aria Emanuel. Um, yep. It's, uh, William Morris ca. I don't remember. Um, but that was the one who, he was the whistleblower or whatever that just kicked the whole thing off. Um, . It's like, can we get back to that tier of people to forgive him? That's, that's the toy, the coin tos to me. And that's, I think it's a huge deciding factor. Well, hopefully, cuz they would be the big, they would be the ones where if Kanye does actually do what we're hoping he will do, those are the people that you then need to say, yes, I, I accept your apology and, and you're back in. Cuz if they don't, they'll mess the whole thing up. That's exactly what I need at both parties. Just like in the, the, the, um, the Daryl. Uh, Daryl Davis, KK example, both parties, Daryl Davis and the KK had to accept understanding each other and listening to each other. If only one party does, it doesn't work. And that's my, my prediction is, and what I'm hopeful for, cuz Kanye. The people he says he looks up to and the people heaving is crazy enough to compare himself with. Like the story I told, you know, back in one of the earlier episodes about Kanye storming into, uh, my dad's meeting at Power 1 0 5 in New York and saying, the only person you know more talented than me is Jesus Christ. Like That's great. He's always been like that.


Yeah. No, he's that long for Famous, supposedly. Adam: Right, exactly. Dancing on people. But like he compares himself to like, you know, Jesus. He compares himself to like MLK and Mother there and those types of people where if he really does buy into that, If he really like it says, you know what? I am not being that, but I actually want to become that or do everything I can to live up to their, to, to how they lived. Yeah. Then he would turn the tide and if he does turn the tide, uh, which I expect, I think he will. I think his best is yet to come. Um, and I'm, I'm optimistic and that's my prediction is I do think he will change. I don't know when it's gonna be, it might be five years from now, maybe it's a year from now. Um, but I think if he does see the light and he can admit he's wrong, uh, I, I think it'd be a great thing, not just for him and for antisemitism, but for so many other people in leaders that refuse to admit they're wrong because he's not the only one. He's not one of.. There's dozens, hundreds, thousands of people that are leaders, high profile people that make mistakes, probably know they're wrong, but refuse to admit they're wrong because their ego's too big. So hopefully he can actually be a great leader, not just in saying, Hey, antisemitism is bad. But in, in so many other areas where people can look at him and say, you know what, I'm not living up to the, the, uh, the best version of myself too. So anyway, that, that's what I'm hoping for. That's what I'm predicting. And Kanye can make a change someone. You know, someone with incredible authority, incredible impact, can just make a change. Say they were wrong, and do what is ultimately right. Um, before we kick it off, there was one thing that came to mind. Um, I, I don't know if there is, and I've, I've seen no comment about this or no, no one said anything about this. Isn't there a Kanye West song? It feels like it's not his song, like he's on someone else's song and he has like a verse where he talks about is like something about how.. African Americans should study how Jewish people taught their children to manage money. If we did that, we'd be the wealthy. Yes. He has some verse where he mentions that. I can't remember what it is, but I'm like, This is the same guy, you know, he is like literally like praising like Jewish upbringings as being like, this is why, like he's almost like answering all those questions that he is saying now. I find that very interesting. But no one's talked about, I, maybe I'm making this up. I don't think I am, but he said that


somewhere. I don't know all. Oh yeah. All I know is that hurt people, hurt people. You know, everybody knows that. And the truth is a ton of shit has been going on in his life very publicly, and it just feels like he just keeps getting beaten, beaten, beaten. And then my hunch is like something happened with. Ex music, radio music who were Jewish, and he's like, now that's who I'm gonna fight. That's who I'm gonna go to war against. Then people got crossed, you know, started fighting with him about that. Then he just kept digging and digging. Like, I just think it's hurt people hurt people, and he's probably not in the best mental state right now, and he's just swinging punches left and right


and wall, like you were saying. Right. And, and what what else can he do? I'm with it. Right. I'm so, I, I'm, we're,


we're both hopeful for you. Ka


we're both rooting for Kanye West here, you know. We see the wrong, but we are hopeful for the right to come in your way. Kanye, again, if you're watching. Hop on the Rise. Adam: He can really help He can really help season two, be in season one, you know, the redemption of your career, Kanye and, uh, the Rise. Actually,


I'd be open even, I'd consider at least making Kanye the third co-host too. So Kanye, if you're interested, we would consider, we would consider. Hundred


percent, but we're open to it. If you wanna be a the coho, we can do a couple trial runs, see how the stats do and uh, we'll talk from there. Here we'll talk to other people. Okay, Adam, good seeing your face started. Stay tune.